
Hey everyone!

We hope you are enjoying your summer so far — despite the sometimes oppressive temperatures! We wanted to touch base with you about a few things you'll be interested in knowing...

Progress On Our Fourth Dormitory

We have some exciting news... Thanks to a generous donor, anyone who gives now toward our 4th dormitory project will have their donation doubled with a matching general gift to WtS! We are only about $21,000 away from reaching our goal to increase our capacity for incoming young girls.

This new building will enable us to welcome 18 more girls who have been sexually abused into our trauma counseling program. Our maximum capacity will go from 54 up to 72!

To give, simply make sure you send your support through our online DonorSee account at

More exciting news! If you are a follower of When the Saints on their platform or if you click on a DonorSee link we share, then platform fees will no longer be taken from your donation! Our "Donate" tab on the WtS website is still an option for giving.

Simply go to and hit the "follow" button today to support us! 


Shoutout to Our Prayer Team!

We want to say a big thank you to all of you who pray so faithfully for our ministry. We truly believe your intercession helps carry us through every challenge we face, continually putting a fresh wind in our sails.

If you are not already signed up to receive our regular prayer-request updates, feel free to do so via the form on the bottom of our homepage at This month we have also kicked off a weekly prayer call that you are welcome to participate in from 7-7:30 AM CST on Mondays. Simply email if you would like to participate in that!

Sad News From Our DonorSee Friends

Many of you know what DonorSee is. For those of you that do not, it is a 3rd party giving platform. There are many different "partners" that fundraise on this platform and When the Saints is one of them. This is one of the ways you can donate to us in addition to donating directly through our website as well, of course. 

This last week sadly we got some horrible news. The founder of DonorSee, Gret Glyer, was tragically shot to death in his home in Virginia around 3 am Friday night. A suspect was just recently apprehended on June 29th. 

We've had the honor of working with Gret and DonorSee for many years now and have come to know him as a friend and Godly partner.  Our deepest sympathy and our prayers go out to Gret's family and friends.

Be blessed, friends.

We are so grateful for you all!

"A proclamation was made louder than the loudest temptation 
With more beauty than all his creation 
More eternal than eternity more angelic than the heavenlies 
It Is done for you and bought with blood
For freedom has come"
-The Benediction by Jimmy Needham


Summer Highlights


Prayer Team